I recently came across MIT student evaluations dating back from 1991. Several versions exist on the web (for instance here and here). I just thought I'd give my Top Ten for today's post.
10. "The class is worthwhile because I need it for the degree."
9. "He teaches like Speedy Gonzales on a caffeine high."
8. "Text is useless. I use it to kill roaches in my room."
7. "Text makes a satisfying 'thud' when dropped on the floor."
6. "His blackboard technique puts Rembrandt to shame."
5. "The recitation instructor would make a good parking lot attendant. Tries to tell you where to go, but you can never understand him."
4. "The absolute value of the TA [Teaching Assistant] was less than epsilon." [For those of you non-mathy type, epsilon is a very small positive number. Like 0.00000000001. Absolute value is always positive. Draw your own conclusions.]
3. 'What's the quality of the text?' "Text is printed on high-quality paper."
2. "Problem sets are a decoy to lure you away from potential exam material."
1. "The course was very thorough. What wasn't covered in class was covered in the final exam."
Ha! Hilarious list! :D
Posted by: Shubhendu Trivedi | June 24, 2008 at 04:44 AM