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September 03, 2010


I wouldn't make my purchases this way. Considering that every single product is a massive iteration of a prisoner's dilemma, it can get fairly absurdly fairly quickly. Furthermore, considering that Swoopo doesn't actually keep archives for the products that it sold, it's impossible to actually perform any sort of analysis to try and find times that your chances would best be maximized of actually gaining any of these items.

While I don't have the numbers to back it up, I have a pretty intuitive feeling that in the long run, you'd actually pay more for the bids than if you simply bought the items at retail prices. After all, the only reason that Swoopo is still in business is that on a whole, this is true. For instance, if there's a penny auction (each bid increases the price by a penny), and each bid costs 75 cents to purchase, an item that sold for, oh, $160.00 has therefore had 15000 bids made on it. That means sure, some lucky guy got a $160.00 item that might have retailed at $2000. But Swoopo just got $12,000 for that same item. And that $12,000 was paid out by its end users.

That said, what does your former student do? Swoopo might actually be a decent place to work =P

Hi Ilya,
are you talking about BK? She's moving to Zurich, got a post-doctoral position at IBM Research Lab there. You'll be happy to know that she was selected as a finalist in the INFORMS Financial Services Section paper competition, for one of the papers she wrote as a doctoral student under my supervision (the one on short sales). Winners will be announced in November.
How are things with you?

No, uh, not BK, the one listed in the blog post! That's great for her though! As for me...same as they've been for the past 3.8 months.

Hi Ilya,

The former student mentioned in the blog post worked at a consulting company for a few years and then decided to pursue a dream of his by becoming a doctor. He's now in medical school and doing very well.

Look up the job postings at http://www.lionhrtpub.com/orms/classifieds/ORMS-classifieds.html There might be a few of interest to you. I'd try the BofA one even if it requires 2+ years of experience; if they don't find what they're looking for among experienced applicants, they might give you a try. The business analyst position for the NYC startup (Rent a runway) also seems to have potential.

As companies start the recruiting season in a few weeks, you should see more and more job postings. Don't get discouraged! Good luck!

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