Not too long ago I went to Denver and it turned out to be an amazing trip. I decided to make the trip when I realized I had to bail out of Dallas and if you've been following me for a while you can figure out why I had to leave STAT. (If you haven't been following me for a while and can't figure it out, I still love you tons! Hugs and kisses!) So, off I went. I ended up being there for five nights including a day where there was a snow storm and it was exactly what I needed. The snow storm wasn't that bad and the next day I was able to get to the airport as if nothing had happened. Alright, so what about Denver? First off, the American Museum of Western Art was PHENOMENAL. It showcased so many interesting periods of Western art and I was just amazed. Then I went to the Whistler/Cassatt exhibit at the Denver Art Museum and that was good but frankly it wasn't great either and the exhibit at the Clyfford Still museum was not great either. You just have to take your losses I guess. Some of the best food I had was in "holes in the wall" kind of situations, especially at Randall's, and my goodness that place made my salad look and taste better than any picture! I just adore them.
One thing I loved during the trip was the New Play Summit at the Denver Center for Performing Arts and while the plays I saw were of varying quality, let me tell you that the play Cebollas was AMAZING, Because it is a work in progress we were specifically asked not to review it so I won't say more than that but frankly it was MINDBLOWINGLY GOOD and hopefully no one will resent me for writing that down.
Another thing I loved about the trip was the opportunity to watch Who's afraid from Virginia Woolf. l had seen the black and white movie with Elizabeth Taylor but frankly it doesn't compare with seeing it live. The people next to me, who were speaking Russian, seemed very disappointed that it wasn't more funny than it was, and one of them even explained to me he had come expecting to laugh, and what exactly am I supposed to say to that? The play is a masterpiece that has been recognized as such for decades. If after all this you still don't know about the plot line in Who's afraid from Virginia Woolf it is your fault more than anyone else's.
So basically I had a great time, and I also want to give a shout-out to the kitchen staff at Earl's because they were spectacular. Runner-up: lunch at Rioja. I was so happy walking through Larimer Square. I also loved getting dinner at Panzano. It was a bit of a hit or miss but once you've figured out what the restaurant is great at, oh my, they're really truly great at what they're great at, if that makes sense. Love them tons!